
Samaritan Strategy

01-Role of the Church in Society

God’s grand agenda is the reconciliation and restoration of all things that were broken in the Fall.  This agenda will not be completed until the return of Christ; however, until that time God has established the church as the primary instrument for the administration of that agenda on earth.


02-Irreducible Minimum

All of God’s commands can be summarized by this: we are to love God and our neighbor. The principle way we demonstrate our love for God is by loving the "neighbors" He places in our


03-Jesus Model for Growth & Service

Luke teaches us that Jesus grew physically, spiritually, socially and in wisdom.  He became all God intended Him to be as the ultimate, obedient servant.  He is our model for growth in our personal lives and for serving others to help them grow into all God intends for them.


04-The Wheel of Wisdom

Biblical wisdom is God’s instructions for living. We achieve the blessed, balanced life God intended when we carefully follow His instructions for all areas of life. There are three primary relationships – spiritual, physical and social…


05-Man's Needs, God's Future Intentions

Sinful man’s condition is hopeless without God.  God’s compassionate and glorious intentions for broken man include forgiveness of sin, restoration of the relationship between man and God and restoration of the broken creation.  He has made a perfect provision for our redemption and has promised a wonderful future at Jesus’ return. 


06-God’s Present Intentions-The Church as a Window

Obedience to God’s commands is what God desires from all believers.  Our obedience to Christ’s commandments demonstrates the goodness of God’s intentions for salvation and restoration both in the future and in the present. Our disobedience creates a wall that keeps the world from knowing about God’s great love for them. The Church is like a “window” through which the broken world can see God’s intentions.


07-Kingdom Math

Luke teaches us that Jesus grew physically, spiritually, socially and in wisdom.  He became all God intended Him to be as the ultimate, obedient servant.  He is our model for growth in our personal lives and for serving others to help them grow into all God intends for them.


08-The Discipline of Love

The Discipline of Love is a spiritual discipline that is an effective discipleship tool designed to help followers of Christ practice demonstrating God’s love by serving others. The image of God is best reflected in man through sacrificial servanthood.  Believers should become more aware of the need to personally reflect Christ’s character in four areas of God’s concern (wisdom, physical, spiritual and social) in the world in which they live (family, church and community).


09-Seeds and Seed Projects

God multiplies small acts (seeds) of obedience to extend His Kingdom.  Seed Projects are a simple and effective tool that enables local churches to express God’s Kingdom in their communities through loving service.


10-Seed Projects Planning & Reporting

Planning is biblical. Seed Project planning is a simple model for identifying, planning and carrying out small -scale Kingdom projects in local communities.


11-Micro Groups


The focus of the micro-group should be building relationships through sharing how we are learning to serve like him rather than content. If the group focus is on content, time for honest sharing is less likely to happen.

12-Love, Love, Love

Luke teaches us that Jesus grew physically, spiritually, socially and in wisdom.  He became all God intended Him to be as the ultimate, obedient servant.  He is our model for growth in our personal lives and for serving others to help them grow into all God intends for them.


Curriculum Combined

Prepared for Gospel Baptist Bible Seminary Course Title: BASICS from Wholistic Ministry TOOLS for the Local Church Curr1 -GBBS
