A weekly podcast featuring Christian leaders from around the world that are impacting the Kingdom of God.

- Hosted by Dr. Bob Moffitt & Pastor Julian Gibb

Latest Episode

Bob Moffitt interviews Chuck McCracken of Rodders for Christ.  Chuck says that when he asks questions of Rodders, those who love to collect cars, “You’d better be willing to listen to 2 hours.”  Chuck says that he asks enough questions to get them interested in talking about their spirit, then plants seeds. Chuck says, “Our job is to be faithful with what God has given us.”

“Many people are searching for answers to the question of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, different leaders provide testimonials of how simple acts of love are changing lives, and demonstrating Jesus Christ in the community, the city, and the nation.”


This helped me awaken the call of God

How does a young man go from being shy and timid to a leader of leaders? How has God awakened a passion for education and working with youth?


What does love require of us right now?

Bob asks Chuck Foreman, “How did your church transition from a church doing traditional church — to a church that has an emphasis on loving the community?”


God changed his life

How does one family and less than 15 adults impact a marginalized community rife with problems such as abuse, drug trafficking and family dysfunction?


They become part of your heart

What happens when a retired business owner catches a vision from the Holy Spirit to provide homes for the homeless, using his retirement to build deep relationships with these men?