A weekly podcast featuring Christian leaders from around the world that are impacting the Kingdom of God.
- Hosted by Dr. Bob Moffitt & Pastor Julian Gibb
Latest Episode
Bob Moffitt speaks with Dean Greer, Coordinator of DSM Care at Desert Stream Ministries, who shares his own journey from unwanted same sex attraction, and being restored. Now, he’s making a way for other people to walk it out, surrender to God’s will for their life, and take what is seemingly impossible and make it possible, with the restoration of Jesus. “I encountered my father’s love”, Dean says about talking with his mom and dad about being gay, HIV positive, being told he’d never marry, never have children. But then God changed that through the Heavenly Father’s love and his earthly father, along with people in the church. Desert Stream
“Many people are searching for answers to the question of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, different leaders provide testimonials of how simple acts of love are changing lives, and demonstrating Jesus Christ in the community, the city, and the nation.”
Listen to a Modern Day Barnabas, Son of Encouragement
Julian Gibb interviews Jim Lake, a modern day Barnabas. Jim shares how he lives his everyday life; Loving God and loving his neighbors. He encourages us to do the same,
Lord of the 77th Chance
Julian Gibb teaches from Jesus’ most well-known parable; The Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11-32.
I felt the call to the marginalized
Bob asks Andy to share on the thorny issue of thousands of immigrants coming into our country, uninvited.
How can I help you?
Bob Moffitt interviews Jake and Keely whose heart is to reach internationals from the nations that are coming to Arizona.
Ask Christ how you can serve in His name
Julian Gibb. Bob Moffitt describes the main emphasis of Harvest Foundation. Equip church leaders to train, disciple their members to express the love of Christ in deed as well as
Trust Christ over threats of the world.
Witt tells how through microbusinesses the gospel is shared in places where Christians are persecuted.
Equipping kids to think
Bob Moffitt interviews Trish and Rich Fenger who are creating Christian leaders not only with their own eight children, but equipping their friends kids through speech and debate clubs. Rich
Everytime we get together they ask us to pray for them
“In this tiny, dark cell, I met the Lord. I learned that I was not created to be independent.”
My own immigration story
Pastor Joaquin tells his own story of immigration, coming to the USA from the Dominican Republic.