A weekly podcast featuring Christian leaders from around the world that are impacting the Kingdom of God.
- Hosted by Dr. Bob Moffitt & Pastor Julian Gibb
Latest Episode
Bob Moffitt speaks with Dean Greer, Coordinator of DSM Care at Desert Stream Ministries, who shares his own journey from unwanted same sex attraction, and being restored. Now, he’s making a way for other people to walk it out, surrender to God’s will for their life, and take what is seemingly impossible and make it possible, with the restoration of Jesus. “I encountered my father’s love”, Dean says about talking with his mom and dad about being gay, HIV positive, being told he’d never marry, never have children. But then God changed that through the Heavenly Father’s love and his earthly father, along with people in the church. Desert Stream
“Many people are searching for answers to the question of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, different leaders provide testimonials of how simple acts of love are changing lives, and demonstrating Jesus Christ in the community, the city, and the nation.”
Psalm 34: Praise God, Trust God, Fear God.
Julian Gibb interviews Harvest Associate Steve Kawamura from Brazil. Learn how Steve applied the three mentioned exhortations from Psalm 34 to minister to people in an area known as the
Where do I Begin to Serve?
Julian Gibb interviews Marlon Roldan – Missionary in the Philippines. Marlon answers where do I begin to serve? He also explains how he can serve each day in his world as
God qualifies you
Bob Moffitt interviews Phoebe Johnson, who tells her own Foster Care journey and who now helps families and children with foster care.
God uses me best when I have little to offer and am most broken
Bob Moffitt interviews Jack Oppenhuizen of Voyages Unbound, who shares about his own journey as a man who experienced a disability as a teenager, and is a friend to others
The wise man and the foolish man
Bob Moffitt interviews Graham Cathers of the Phoenix Underground, who shares how a holy discontent led him to work in church plants and disciple making movements. Graham says, “We love
All praise, honor, and glory to God. Part 2 (Re-Broadcast)
Julian Gibb Julian Gibb interviews Pastor Singh of India Part 2. Pastor Singh tells how God provided a wife; her grandmother prayed for 40 years for her to have a
One man’s obedience to share God’ word = 70,000 house churches (Re-Broadcast)
Julian Gibb interviews Pastor Singh Part 1 Listen to the amazing story of how God saved, healed, and led a 16 year old boy to walk the length and breadth
We Don’t Need to See the Results
Bob Moffitt interviews Carlos Mejia, bi-vocational Pastor, and also working in demolition. Carlos says, “Being the hands and feet of Jesus is responding to the promptings God has given us.”
Columbia, Bibles for Venezuela, and a Movie, “The Parish of the Pines”
Russell Stendal, Jr. Host: Julian Gibb interviews Russell Stendal, Jr. of Columbia Para Christo Society. Russell tells the story of ministry to indigenous people in Columbia, Bibles for Venezuela, and