A weekly podcast featuring Christian leaders from around the world that are impacting the Kingdom of God.

- Hosted by Dr. Bob Moffitt & Pastor Julian Gibb

Latest Episode

 Bob Moffitt speaks with Michael and Natalia Nelson who serve people in the marketplace of insurance; “Most of the people we talk to won’t walk into a church.”  Instead, Michael and Natalia see their work as “a great opportunity to open doors spiritually.”  Natalia says, “People want to hear about a radical sacrifice for them.”  “We ask if we can pray for them.”  Michael and Natalia share moments of edifying and godly conversations that stir clients’ hearts and their own hearts.  Connect Insurance Group

“Many people are searching for answers to the question of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, different leaders provide testimonials of how simple acts of love are changing lives, and demonstrating Jesus Christ in the community, the city, and the nation.”


It’s obviously not being done, so we will do it

Bob Moffitt interviews Bethany Janzen of ProLife Global, who asks the question, “How can we tackle the greatest human rights issue of all time?”  Bethany is empowering the young generation


God doesn’t see us as a burden

Bob Moffitt interviews Sandi Miller, who shares about Teddy, her son with Down’s syndrome, and how she serves and learns from Teddy.  Sandi shares many analogies of how she has


All praise, honor, and glory to God. Part 2

Julian Gibb Julian Gibb interviews Pastor Singh of India Part 2. Pastor Singh tells how God provided a wife; her grandmother prayed for 40 years for her to have a


How to end poverty?

Julian Gibb Julian interviews Ena Richards of Work 4 a Living. She describes the mission of Work 4 a Living- Transformation by a Biblical Worlview and then providing work. Providing work