A weekly podcast featuring Christian leaders from around the world that are impacting the Kingdom of God.

- Hosted by Dr. Bob Moffitt & Pastor Julian Gibb

Latest Episode

Bob Moffitt interviews Elizabeth Drewett, Director of Classical Worship at Camelback Bible Church. Drewett explains, “Serve with your heart; share what God has done”, as she invites many in the arts community into a wonderful acoustical environment for choral and pipe organ in Paradise Valley, AZ.  “It takes action. Take what you have now and serve.”  Drewett also elucidates the joy of choral music through singing hymns that were sung hundreds of years ago by the saints.  Camelback Bible Church music

“Many people are searching for answers to the question of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, different leaders provide testimonials of how simple acts of love are changing lives, and demonstrating Jesus Christ in the community, the city, and the nation.”


How can God use us in this country?

Host Bob Moffitt interviews Gabriela and Jose Castaneda who moved to Phoenix from Guatemala 19 years ago. When they arrived, they were interested in a church that did more than


When we brought them supplies, they were tearing up

Host Bob Moffitt interviews Munkhuu Tuvshin of Mongolia who shares stories about assisting nomadic people and their animals, and giving assistance to locals during heavy storms.  “Locals have lost 67%


Not only hearers of the Word, but doers

Julian Gibb interviews John Wood, President of Glory Honor Africa.  John Wood explains the joy during a church potluck meal that includes communion, fellowship, but also externally focused serving with


Hated, and still we love.

Julian Gibb interviews Pastor Mono Roy of Bangladesh. Pastor Mono shares how loving; as Jesus loves, brings people to Jesus and builds the church.