A weekly podcast featuring Christian leaders from around the world that are impacting the Kingdom of God.

- Hosted by Dr. Bob Moffitt & Pastor Julian Gibb

Latest Episode

Bob Moffitt speaks with Charlene Leach who started visiting her grandson in prison to encourage and build him up in the Lord, and now works with Prison Fellowship as a ‘grandmother’ of sorts with inmates; one inmate asked, “Excuse me, could I call you Mamaw?”  She tells several stories of God working through her among incarcerated people. Prison Fellowship

“Many people are searching for answers to the question of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, different leaders provide testimonials of how simple acts of love are changing lives, and demonstrating Jesus Christ in the community, the city, and the nation.”


This gave me hope; someone cares for me – Part 1

Gil Moreno, SW Regional Manager for Operation Christmas Child, tells personal stories from Liberia and Rwanda, including refugees. “God is working in the hearts of children all over the world.


God in the flesh was a refugee

Gary DeVelder and his son Derek of Abounding Service https://aboundingservice.org/ share stories about recruiting volunteers to help refugees learn English and citizenship. He explains, “We develop a relationship and give


Julian Gibb interviews Russell – Part 2

Julian Gibb interviews Russell from Spirit of Martyrdom – Part 2. Writing a book in the jungle with captors about how Jesus transforms and saves.


Bob Moffitt interviews John Bassous

John shares about God’s supernatural presence, and his story of how he uses the empty room in his house for the Kingdom.