A weekly podcast featuring Christian leaders from around the world that are impacting the Kingdom of God.
- Hosted by Dr. Bob Moffitt & Pastor Julian Gibb

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Bob Moffitt speaks with Michael and Natalia Nelson who serve people in the marketplace of insurance; “Most of the people we talk to won’t walk into a church.” Instead, Michael and Natalia see their work as “a great opportunity to open doors spiritually.” Natalia says, “People want to hear about a radical sacrifice for them.” “We ask if we can pray for them.” Michael and Natalia share moments of edifying and godly conversations that stir clients’ hearts and their own hearts. Connect Insurance Group
“Many people are searching for answers to the question of what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each week, different leaders provide testimonials of how simple acts of love are changing lives, and demonstrating Jesus Christ in the community, the city, and the nation.”

I don’t want you to fix this; I want you to be with my people here
“You came to Jesus in 2000; now that you know Jesus you need to go out”, said Jeff Bisgrove’s priest.

I get to walk alongside teenage moms in a day to day capacity
Early on, Rebecca felt drawn to work with adolescents who are underprivileged and living in the margins.

God always uses our pain for a purpose
Jake and Jennah encourage those in missions in North America, providing pastoral care and friendship. Jennah says, “A lot of what we do is unseen. We had 5 miscarriages… and

Not only hearers of the Word, but doers
John Wood explains the joy during a church potluck meal that includes communion, fellowship, but also externally focused serving with the vulnerable windows, orphans and prisoners.

The Spirit is going to plant in you a vision to see need
Rosie shares his heart about helping non-denominational evangelical churches in rural Arizona.

How can I help others develop in the ways that Jesus developed?
In this rebroadcast, Linda Morris says that she couldn’t go on doing the same things she had been doing at church, but wanted to develop personally, and help others develop

That’s what angered me, and hurt, and led me to do something about it.
Tim tells stories about guys that were on the side of the road, who needed help, and how he helps them.

This helped me awaken the call of God
How does a young man go from being shy and timid to a leader of leaders? How has God awakened a passion for education and working with youth?

Get the grayhairs of the church connected to younger people in mentoring
How do you equip the next generation of Christian young adults to get ready to receive the leadership baton? How do you help 20-32 year olds become redemptive influencers for