Meg Crossman, early in her walk with the Lord, said, “Lord, take me; I didn’t know that you wanted me!” Meg, a visionary that helps people embrace their role in missions, says, “That’s what I do… I help people understand their roles, as goers, senders, welcomers, intercessors, or mobilizers.” She relates one of her conversations, “Meg, now I understand that we’re called to be senders.” Meg says, “I want everybody to find where their gifts and abilities” can be best used. Meg felt the calling of God on her own life as well, “It was totally the Lord who opened that door. We were not waiting for the prison to approve us; if the Lord approves us, everything will be OK.” Meg also tells the story about getting the opportunity to share in a closed country with underground believers, “It was challenging and marvelous!” and people would ask her husband, “You’re letting your wife do what?” to which Meg replied, “It wasn’t a sacrifice to go to China for the summer, it was a joy.”
What does The “Church as a Window” mean?
Bob Moffitt, President of Harvest. Host: Julian Gibb, Executive Director of Harvest. Define the Church as a Window in this podcast. They describe that the Church is the people of God, not an institution. How are we perceived by the world? Does our walk match our talk? People are watching. Serving others is part of being the Church. “If you see a need and can meet it, stop what you are doing, and meet the need”.