Ryan Thurman, International Director of Antioch Network, shares his personal stories with A2J, relocating into a neighborhood that had real, tangible needs near the homeless shelter and the Arizona State Capital, to learn what it means to love God and love your neighbor. “We really believe that the early church and the Acts-like living in community can be done today.” What our homeless friends “needed was a family where they could belong. Before they could completely understand the gospel, understand a loving God, they had to experience the love of God by a family.” Ryan shares Sally’s story, a homeless lady whose life was completely changed because Jesus entered in and invited her to life with him, a life that looked completely different than her first 40 years. “God is very clear that people experience love through people.”

Could this happen for me?
Bob Moffitt interviews Stephanie Midthun of Courage Worldwide, who provides safe houses for women and girls who have been affected by human trafficking. Stephanie shares many stories of girls who learn to hope, trust and begin to dream about the future because of the love they experience in the safe houses. Stephanie shares about one young lady who went on to be an entrepreneur and won a latte art contest, and later married. Girls in Courage House attended her Christian