Bob Moffitt interviews Andy Carr, Vice President of Development and Marketing for Feed My Starving Children, providing meals across the world. “6,200 children will starve today from starvation. With nearly 8 billion people on this planet, there is enough for everybody. It’s a matter of distribution, not a matter of supply.” Andy shares stories of over a million volunteers helping and praying.
What does The “Church as a Window” mean?
Bob Moffitt, President of Harvest. Host: Julian Gibb, Executive Director of Harvest. Define the Church as a Window in this podcast. They describe that the Church is the people of God, not an institution. How are we perceived by the world? Does our walk match our talk? People are watching. Serving others is part of being the Church. “If you see a need and can meet it, stop what you are doing, and meet the need”.