Wendy Schops is a mom, a biker, and a formerly rebellious woman who has been changed. “What’s your story?” Wendy asks of others with the biker persona. Wendy says, “Growing up, we never knew who would be at our breakfast table… my dad would pick up hitchhikers. Our house was a revolving door.” Wendy says, “Don’t look at somebody and put them in a box. No matter what you wear… we have a conversation and share the love of Christ and how much God loves us.” Wendy continues, “We open the door, that person opens up, we plant the seed. And I say, ‘God, go with that person so they will grow!'”
What does The “Church as a Window” mean?
Bob Moffitt, President of Harvest. Host: Julian Gibb, Executive Director of Harvest. Define the Church as a Window in this podcast. They describe that the Church is the people of God, not an institution. How are we perceived by the world? Does our walk match our talk? People are watching. Serving others is part of being the Church. “If you see a need and can meet it, stop what you are doing, and meet the need”. www.harvestfoundation.org