Somehow God picks the weak and foolish; He can equip us

Bob Moffitt interviews Mardette Hemann, who shares several stories, including the power of God through prayer, “A woman I had worked with had been praying for my salvation for 20 years.”  Mardette communicates that you don’t give up because you don’t see results; she cares for people who are walking through grief.

Recent Episodes


God doesn’t see us as a burden 2

Bob Moffitt interviews Sandi Miller. In this Re-Broadcast, Sandi shares about Teddy, her son with Down’s syndrome, and how she serves and learns from Teddy.  Sandi shares many analogies of how she has seen new perspectives of God’s love for her, revealed in her son. Sandi says, “Teddy knows what he’s doing; why do I want to get in his way?” Sandi continues, “Teddy sees a need and meets a need through a hug or prayer.”  


Everytime we get together they ask us to pray for them

Bob Moffitt. In this re-broadcast, Chuy Martinez tells his story of faith, “In this tiny, dark cell, I met the Lord.  I learned that I was not created to be independent.”  During Covid, Jan and Chuy couldn’t fly. Jan says, “The nations were coming to us.  Roxanne Small of Matthew House showed us how to love refugees. We were so excited. We were assigned a family from Afghanistan.” Jan and Chuy tell several stories of coming alongside a family with