Somebody has to stand up for our neighborhood

Wendy and Jeff Schops, both motorcycle bikers, wanted to get more involved with their neighbors. Jeff says, “God put it on our heart to reach other people.” Wendy says, “We have the love of God in our hearts. That’s the biggest reason that we feel free to reach out to people of different religions and different skin color.” Jeff explains, “I’m 31 years clean of cocaine with a hard struggle when I came off. I’m rich with God’s love.” Wendy shares about a unique opportunity in her neighborhood, “One night after we heard gun shots, we didn’t think about the danger; we felt the strength to go and help someone who was clearly in distress.” Wendy says, “The people we get to talk to are living the same kinds of lives that we are, with the same kinds of struggles, family dynamics, and drama. We just need to be able to be friends and comfort those around us when they need it. How would we know that they need it if we didn’t open that dialogue with them wherever we go?” Jeff concludes, “Don’t cower, don’t hide behind the curtains. Come out and be strong.”

Recent Episodes


How can God use us in this country?

Host Bob Moffitt interviews Gabriela and Jose Castaneda who moved to Phoenix from Guatemala 19 years ago. When they arrived, they were interested in a church that did more than just praying and reading the Bible; they started a church with 7 people who began loving and serving their neighbors in need: food for the homeless, beds for those in need, diapers, and bringing a toy to one of their Muslim neighbors.


We have a vision to pray inside of Arizona High Schools

Host Bob Moffitt interviews Cheryl Sacks of Bridge Builders International.  As a new high school teacher, Cheryl prayed, In this school of 2,000, “Lord, come in and do something. Use me to change the school.”  Cheryl shares several stories about inviting the Lord’s transforming presence into high schools, including a group of four young men who said, “We have a vision to pray inside of Arizona High Schools. 


The Kingdom – 5-13-24 – They become part of your heart

Julian Gibb interviews Tim Gendreau, the founder of Titus House. Tim was a successful businessman who retired; became more involved in the church family; more intimate with Jesus. Listened to men in recovery from addictive behaviors. Many relapse because there is no safe place to go after treatment. God put on his heart to create a safe place, Titus House.