Marcus Doe, originally from Liberia, became a refugee in Ghana at age 12; when he started attending school he learned that his father had been murdered. A year later, “When I came to the States, I had a measure of trauma”, Marcus explains about the war and losing his father. “I had a blockage; when we took quizzes, and it was quiet, I had much more important things in my life than solving equations.” He would sweat at flashbacks. “A few years later a Pastor looked at me and said, ‘Whatever you have planned for your life, God is going to change it.'” Marcus explains how he would write one paragraph a day for 3 years, which eventually became his book “Catching Ricebirds”. Marcus wanted to get past this anger towards this man who had killed his father. “In the spring of 2010, I fly back to Liberia, and I was able to say the words, ‘I forgive you'”.
Moving is Something a Woman Feels & a Man Does Part 1
Julian Gibb interviews Susan Miller of Just Moved Ministries. Susan discusses how Just Moved Ministries helps women, and their husbands, journey through the moving process. Let go of the past –Learn to trust God–How to start over with Hope–Move Forward with Faith. If you have a purpose, passion, and plan; God will make a way! Email: [email protected]