God gave him the vision when he was 5 years old

Bob Moffitt speaks with a dad and his son who at the age of 5 wanted to be a missionary, and had a vision to feed kids at an apartment complex, give them a free set of Lego’s, and as Little Dennis says, “get together with some ministry and go minister to kids and love on them” and introduce them to Jesus. His Dad Dennis says, “We relate how when you follow the Lego instructions, your Lego’s turn out the way that they were designed; then we relate that back to the Bible, that when you follow the Bible’s instructions, your life turns out the way that God designed it to be.”

Recent Episodes


“Our Intention is to Love and Serve the People”

Julian Gibb interviews Madan Shah of Nepal. Madan describes how he works with 34 churches in western Nepal to show genuine love and service to their local communities. Learn how the church leaders do this through Disciplines of Love, seeing a need, praying, and starting to meet the need with local resources. This is Samaritan Strategy.


The gospel… the power of God for salvation to the Jews

Bob Moffitt interviews Rabbi Jack Zimmerman of Jewish Voice tells humorous and serious stories of sharing the Messiah, including a powerful conversion after his wife shared the Messiah with him, and how he now shares new life in the Jewish Messiah with fellow Jewish people. Jewish Voice Ministries


Federal Prison is safer to me than the streets of Tucson at night

Bob Moffitt speaks with Charlene Leach who started visiting her grandson in prison to encourage and build him up in the Lord, and now works with Prison Fellowship as a ‘grandmother’ of sorts with inmates; one inmate asked, “Excuse me, could I call you Mamaw?”  She tells several stories of God working through her among incarcerated people. Prison Fellowship