Munkhuu from Mongolia shares his experience of staying with nomads, helping them, cleaning their felts, going after their horses and sheep to assist them in their daily lives. “Can I go with you?” Munkhuu asks of a nomad while visiting. “I helped him with his animals”, Munkhuu says about his stay. “Along the way we talk about faith and life.” “Come for them, do for them. Just obey; I believe this is the process that the Lord wants me to go on, and I’m just going.” “We love to have a relationship with them. We give the results to God.”
I’m going in a week, in obedience, to the Czech Republic
Bob Moffitt interviews Hana Deiter, called to return to her people in the Czech Republic. Deiter says, “I want to do ministry, not run a hotel. But God told me that I will be much more effective if I run a hotel — and He will bring people to me — than if I start ministering to people in the streets or go to individual homes.” Deiter tells stories of praying for people’s healing from the little hotel in the