Bringing a meal to the relative in jail who killed their family

Julian Gibb interviews Jacob Ndabaramiye who works in Rwanda, Burundi and the eastern Congo, training and equipping Pastors to be disciples, practice love and forgiveness. Jacob tells a story of a Tutsi man who, after training, took a meal to those prisoners who killed their relatives who were in jail. “They gave food to those people who killed their families and many went to tell those criminals who killed their family members that they forgive them.”

Recent Episodes


Listen to a Modern Day Barnabas, Son of Encouragement

Julian Gibb Julian interviews Jim Lake, a modern day Barnabas. Jim shares how he lives his everyday life; Loving God and loving his neighbors. He encourages us to do the same, and gives practical tips how to do it.


Moving is Something a Woman Feels & a Man Does Part 1

Julian Gibb interviews Susan Miller of Just Moved Ministries. Susan discusses how Just Moved Ministries helps women, and their husbands, journey through the moving process. Let go of the past –Learn to trust God–How to start over with Hope–Move Forward with Faith. If you have a purpose, passion, and plan; God will make a way! Email: [email protected]


Moving is Something a Woman Feels & a Man Does Part 2

Julian Gibb interviews Susan Miller of Just Moved Ministries. Susan Miller, Just Moved Ministries continues her discussion of the effect a move can have on a marriage, and family. Have a planned connection time with your spouse. Seek to build bridges, to break down walls. Build a Oneness with your spouse. Email: [email protected] webpage: