Thank you – Dear friend, we count you among this cloud of witnesses around us, thank you so much for your encouragement and financial support.

Brazil – In loving memory of Jerson Darif Palhano, who passed away on September 6.  Jerson was a distinguished professor of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and philosophy, a humble and loving pastor.  We will miss him greatly and pray for his family and friends.

Harvest Brazil equips churches to demonstrate God’s will in every area of lifeOn September 2, Harvest Brazil held its Regional Conference in Araquari, State of Santa Catarina.  The Conference took place at the little school in the Guarany village.  Together, we thanked the Lord for sixteen years of blessed work and the existence of twenty-one sites in Brazil where churches and communities have been blessed by teachings of biblical wholism.At the Conference, we elected the new Harvest Brazil Board of Directors, read Scriptures, prayed, enjoyed delicious refreshments, and gave the Guaranys a recorded Bible in their language.  The Guaranys felt loved and ended the event with a dance, a sign of their gratitude for our partnership of over four years with proclamation and demonstration of God’s love.

Staff Conference at the Guarany village

Leo, Rebeca, Cleiton, Elly, & Cefas

Sharing about Harvest work

Sharing God’s Word

Harvest Brazil 2017-2019 Board of DirectorsPresident:  

President: Cefas Alves de Oliveira
Vice-President: Diógenes Nascimento de Jesus
Secretaries: Leonardo Wilkerson, Douglas Nascimento de Jesus
Treasurers: Antonio Celso Alves Pinto, Rebeca Batista
Board of Trustees: Cleiton Oliveira,  José Luiz Correia, Juarez Nascimento de Jesus
Substitutes: Paulo Sérgio Martins, Rosali Melo de Oliveira

Harvest Brazil Board Members

Gabriela & Diógene

Prayer Time

Thank you so much for praying for our travels and families.  We praise God for answers in the forms of safety, good health, anointing in the teachings and coaching sessions.

The Harvest Brazil team has courageous and dedicated servants.  We pray for provision for their hard work, and that the newly elected Board may have wisdom and favor to advance the ministry.

Our community projects with the Guaranys, people in rehabilitation of drug use, high-school students, and inmates are showing good progress.  We pray for salvation of those we reach and workers willing to be part of the team that serves.

We pray for the family and friends of Pastor Jerson Darif Palhano, grieving after his sudden death on September 6. Thank you!

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