Chris Newsletter: January-February
West Africa
P O Box DK 251
Darkuman-Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233-244-206-288                                                                                                                    March 01, 2019

“For l command you this day to love the Lord your God and to keep His command, decrees, and regulations by walking in His ways. If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy.”  Deuteronomy 30:16.

Thanks and Appreciation
For His goodness and mercies to me, my family, team members across West Africa, volunteers,  our global team members, donors and supporters. Dear Lord, l offer myself to You -heart, mind and will -in humble service and in thankful worship for all You have done for me. Amen.

Mercy Ships Onboard Training Program.
From January 12 to February 01 I was invited by Mercy Ships for a three week program. Two weeks was for our annual Onboard Training Program and another week with the crew members on the ship. For the past six years l have the sole responsibility of training the African crew members on the Ship for them to be accepted for long term service, while for the past 13 years l had been in partnership with Mercy Ships as the main speaker for their church pastors’ partnership programs across the nations.

Onboard Training Program:  14 African crew members from 4 countries: 5 women and 9 men were relocated to a retreat center for the 2 weeks program. They were taken through the wholistic transformational materials using BASICS 1&2 for their quite time, Church Wholistic Ministry book for  group Bible studies and also going through all our core materials. If Jesus Were Mayor was ordered for them and different topics was assigned to them for their studies and class presentations.  A one on  one counselling with the  participants was done where fruitful pastoral time was spent and prayers said for them. The impact of the training on the participants in terms of their lives, fellowship and work is phenomenal and this can be verified on the ship.

Time with Mercy Ships
Back on the ship, I was previledged  to speak at their Community Service on Sunday and to do devotions with various departments including the engineering, chaplaincy, accounts and sales, supply etc.  The greatest opportunity was on Thursday where I spoke to  over 450 Crew Members from 38 countries on the lrreducible Minimum. The reception was just wonderful. The chaplaincy also brought all the day crew of over 250 to participate as l spoke on “ the Visibility of Gods’ Kingdom” in Africa.

Local Mentoring and training Program.
As part of the continuous training and mentoring of young people in my country, we had a three –day program. Fourteen Mentees who had began teaching  in their churches, schools and localities were paired and given various topics  to prepare for presentations. I marveled at the insights these young people brought out of our  materials and l praise the Lord for their lives.

Praise and Prayers
Pray for the Samaritan Strategy Project(SSP) Vision Conference that starts in the Northern Regional capital,Tamale next week. Pray for Eugene, Frank and l as we travel tomorrow to Tamale. Pray also for the SSP in Guinea Bissau in April.

Thank God for the Ampadus’, Jennifer in her second semester at the Law school, Edwin who starts his senior high final exams in April and Edwina in her third year at the chemical engineering school at KNUST, Kumasi.


Thank you for your participation! Chris & Adjoa Ampadu

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