Dear Encouragers
Following is a brief report of my activities since mid-October.
UNDISCLOSED LOCATION (Oct. 23-26): The leader of a house church movement invited me for a three-day consultation with several of the group’s leadership team to discuss policy directions for their movement. What a gift to me to see their faithful pursuit of the Truth, to examine together a kingdom response to their perceptive questions about the future, and to fellowship under the leadership of our common Elder Brother.
HOVT, MONGOLIA (Oct 29-31): One of the great privileges of this period of my life is to mentor younger leaders. One of them, his first name is Munkhuu, is leading a pastoral movement to assist the Mongolian church be the church Paul describes in Ephesians 3:10. Paul describes a church through which God demonstrates his wisdom and power to the observing principalities and authorities. He has already organized churches who want to be a part of this kind of church in the eastern and central parts of Mongolia. This visit was an initial training to expose about 40 pastors and leaders in the far west of the country to what that means, and explore practical steps their churches can take to move in that direction.
BOGAR, INDONESIA (Nov 5-13): General Assembly of the World Evangelical Alliance. I have served as Disciple Nations Alliance representative to the WEA for about ten years. More than a year ago I was asked to join a WEA team tasked with exploring how to advance the importance of discipleship as a first-priority task of the Church. Recently God opened the thinking of those planning the program for this General Assembly to initiate a Decade of Discipleship that was kicked off at the General Assembly in Bogar, part of the Jakarta metroplex. WEA reported 800 participants from 92 countries. I led a workshop on Discipleship to which I invited two pastor/bishops from two different church associations in Uganda to share their models of discipleship. I also brought along Dean Regmi the 20 year-old son of one of our Harvest team members. Finally, a copy of my book, Evangelism Without Discipleship, was included in every participants packet.
December has been full of desk-work and catch-up – not the edible kind. 😊. Judy and I plan to be with Barak and Tasha’s family in California over the Christmas/New Year holiday. May God bless each of you as he has abundantly blessed us with your friendship.
Under the same Wings, Bob and Judy