Jacob’s July 2018 Newsletter
Contact address: [email protected], Cell phone: +250-788-569-814
Beloved Partners in the Ministry,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior. I pray and wish this letter finds you doing well.
Ministry update
In my Newsletter of December 2017, I was thrilled to tell about the Harvest training of churches in East Rwanda and the commissioning of a team of trainers from the Rwanda University – Butare campus. Today, it’s a great joy to let you know that God has blessed us to complete the Program of training in East Rwanda and commissioned 17 grass root trainers in the region. They are local partners in the ministry and will invite us to teach together when they plan a Harvest training. We are really blessed to have people in different corners of our country that will be spreading the vision and work towards demonstrating God’s love to the needy within their communities.
Here below are the last steps (first ones were mentioned in our last letter) that we covered to commission the 17 grass root trainers.
Coaching and mentoring potential trainers
Seed project
Not only did we coach our trainees on the content of Harvest materials, but we visited with them and saw how they applied our training materials to support the needy people living in their communities regardless their religions. That way of working –as the team of a local church to support the needy– is what we call seed project. In the pictures below, you can see snapshots of my visit to an Anglican Church in Kabeza, east Rwanda, that worked to raise money so that they were able to provide blankets and clothing to a poor elderly lady. Not only did they work to raise money, but they brought food from their homes to support the mother. That lady is living by herself because she lost her children and, by this time, one of her children, who is alive, has a mental illness.
Observation of grass root trainers organizing training within their local churches
New training projects-our way forward
From July 2018, we have started two new projects of Harvest training in Rwanda. We praise the Lord for His provision. We have one project in Southern Rwanda with a diocese of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, and the other in Northern Rwanda with more than 15 affiliated churches. We will need your prayer for a fruitful impact.
Praise and Prayer requests
We praise God for his protection. We are doing well and ready to serve.
Pray for more effectiveness of our Training projects. Africa needs Christ Disciple- makers. With Harvest training we believe there is hope for Africa.
May God bless you as you read our letter and pray for us.
Thank you!